Honorary past tense
The lawyer says its customers the hourly rate he proposes to apply if they choose the method of the past. It tells customers time may be devoted to the study and treatment issue. This rate may vary within the same firm based on the cases dealt with. It can be agreed on a higher hourly rate in cases that warrant.Honorary the package
The lawyer and client agree a fixed and final fee. The audit covered by these fees should be specifically identified.Honorary the result
The lawyer may agree with his client for fixing a supplementary fee of result which must be expressly stated in a previous agreement between the lawyer and his client but that agreement must also include an honorary main stagecoach.OMBUDSMAN'S NATIONAL CONSUMER THE LEGAL PROFESSION
Pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 152-1 and following of the Consumer Code, you have the option, in case of dispute with a lawyer free to use the Ombudsman consumption will be the national ombudsman near the National Bar Council (NBC) and whose coordinates are :Carole Pascarel, mediator of the consumption of the legal profession
Postal address: 22 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris
Email address: mediateur@mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr
Website: https://mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr